Thursday 28 April 2022



God has called us each to minister in some way.

What is your calling?

Some people struggle with trying to decipher their calling.

Begin by considering the talents and gifts God has bestowed to you.

God gave you these unique talents for reason - to serve  him.

While we will not all be called to preach from a pulpit.

We are all called to serve Him faithfully.

This may mean volunteering with vacation Bible school of ministering in the nursery or helping teach other how to be good stewards of their finances.

No matter what your gifts are allow God to use them to bring Him glory. 


Dear God, I want to live my life serving you and ministering to others but there are some days when I am unsure how to do it.

Give me wisdom to know which unique gifts You have given me and an understanding for how I can use them to minister.

Give me the confidence and strength I need to serve.

Whenever I am ministering help me to do it unto you and not for my own glory.

May your name and works be glorified through my ministry.

Thank you for believing I am worthy to share your message with others.

In Yeshua's name I pray.




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