Friday 8 April 2022

Children Of God



It is our faith in Yeshua Hamasiach that qualifies us as children of God.

When we believe in the death and reurrection of Yeshua Hamasiach who did all of this so we could be saved.

We are accepting the new life he has given us.

This is a life of redemption.

A life as sons and daughters of God whom we became separated from after the Fall of man.

We have now come into a life of righteousness and holiness. 


Thank you Lord for setting me free from the sin power had over my life.

I have chosen to leave my old sinful self and I am fully focused on walking in the life of righteousness and holiness you have called me to live through your Son.

Thank you, Father, that you are always there to reinforce my faith when anyone tries to tell me otherwise.

My eyes will remain fixed on you, O Lord.

In Yeshua's name I pray.


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